The Art of a Business Card

business card

Last week I attended a meet-up hosted by a local fashion magazine. As a representative for twentysomething Indy, an online magazine I started, I came complete with a stack of my business cards to hand out. When the event reached the mingling point of the evening I got out my card case, shook hands, chatted, and waited to swap cards with some cool and interesting people. The funny thing was, while I did give out my card to several individuals, most didn’t have their own.

My dad is a salesman and I grew up weirdly fascinated with business cards. He always had a stack on his desk waiting to be organized into a sleek folio with business card-sized pockets for easy viewing. I spent time flipping through the pages and studying the different designs and titles. In all honesty I still love to check out what other people’s cards look like, and could probably kill a solid hour looking at options online.

Even though they’re paper in a high tech world, having a card is still important. Whether you’re meeting a random person at a networking event or having a meeting with a potential new client, that card is a physical representative of you and your company or personal brand. And if you’re looking to make sure you’ll stay on a person’s radar, being able to hand them something they can take home as a reminder of your awesomeness is key.

If you’re still a student, having a card is just as important as if you’re settled into a “real world” job. Make one with the standard name and contact info, your blog and social media accounts (if applicable), and give an honest title about who you are and what you’re seeking. When I was a senior I started going to area networking events and made myself a card with the title “DePauw Senior, English Writing Major & Media Fellow, Communications Job Seeker.” Whenever I pulled them out people were surprised and impressed I had taken the extra step to have one, and those students wanting an edge are jumping on the bandwagon.

If you have multiple pursuits (like me), it’s important to have a card for each one as well as a single card that covers all your bases. I include my card for my stationery business with orders, use a different card when seeking freelance writing opportunities, and use a combo card for networking events when all of my ventures are important to represent.

Not sure where to start? Spend some time looking around online for ideas of what you want in a card. Sites like Vista Print have tons of templates and reasonable pricing, and you can also find lots of card options on Etsy. If you’re a DIY kind of person, I suggest picking up a pack of Avery Clean Edge printable cards, which are heavy, affordable, and look professional. They also come with a downloadable template so they can be laid out just right for printing. Still not finding anything that’s right for you? There are plenty of designers out there happy to help you get just the snazzy design you want!


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  • Reply February 2, 2013

    Mostly Lisa

    So important to have a business card! is another awesome site to check out. They have some fun designs and quality paper.

    Mostly Lisa

  • Reply February 6, 2013

    Sweet Fairy

    Business card is one of the best way to represent and advertise your business easily. I am really enjoying Plastic card printing. This is so excited.

  • Reply February 7, 2013

    Fairy Quest

    Business card is an important part of a business.

  • Reply February 8, 2013

    ali naqvi

    Its really helping great post….thanks for sharing this marvelous idea.Plastic business cards

  • Reply February 16, 2013

    jake tyler

    Its a important tool of marketing but it should be eye catching.
    visiting card sample

  • Reply February 28, 2013

    Andi Anderson

    Congratulations! This is the best thing, Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.
    Business Templates

  • Reply March 4, 2013

    Hoa Bracken

    You’re definitely right that having a business card is important, particularly if you have a business. Going to an important gathering or event without a card is like going to a trip without a map. If you want to be recognized after the event, be sure to hand out a card. This is the best way to meet new people and get prospective clients. +Hoa Bracken