We Must…Moisturize!


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This weekend marks the first official day of summer and although I’m incredibly grateful to be past this year’s gloomy spring weather, it’s high time to kick up our summer beauty practices. The most important of all being moisturizing. I’m a total Vitamin D junky and can think of no better activity than rooftop tanning but I also don’t want to look like Liberace by the time I’m 40. AmIright? The sun is a huge culprit of moisture-sucking and its’ heavenly but harmful rays require extra skin attention during the best time of the year. Head to toe proper moisturizing should be standard in every gal’s beauty routine, so I’ve gathered up some tips for optimal conditioning practices.

1. Your skin is an organ, treat it like one! Moisturizers help protect our bodies largest organ from environmental assault. Mother Nature sure is beautiful but things like wind and heat wreak havoc on our skin. Lotion helps increase the skin’s water content and repair its barrier.
2. Do it when you’re wet…post shower! The best time to apply is when your skin is damp. This allows your skin to trap the optimal amount of moisture right on the surface. I suggest doing it fresh out of the shower. I keep all of my moisturizing essentials in a fun basket right by my shower as a constant reminder to lather up.
3. Keep it clean. Applying moisturizer with clean hands is a critical way to prevent the introduction of potentially harmful dirt of bacteria onto your face and skin. If you’re abiding by rule #2, just give your hands an extra lather before you hop out!
4. Give it time. Make sure you give your moisturizer proper time to sink in. Wait a solid 2 to 3 minutes before applying makeup or putting clothes on. This way your product can truly penetrate your skin and do a better job of protecting it throughout the day.
5. Know your skin. Everyone rocks a different exterior, and the products we use must consequently fit our on personal needs. A good way to tell if you’ve picked the right moisturizer is the way your skin looks once you’ve applied it. When it is properly moisturized skin will look dewy and light will bounce off it. If it is shiny or greasy, it’s too heavy for you. Reversely, if you skin looks dull or chalky, you need a more effective moisturizer.

Don’t be a victim of bad summer skin practices! These small changes can make an incredible impact in your overall appearance and health. Rock those short sundresses with confidence this sun season. Grab your favorite lotion (SLM loves this one!) and go get your lather on ladies.


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