Print Your Own Makeup with Mink

Well ladies, it looks like shopping for makeup is about to get much easier.  Grace Choi, a Harvard Business School alum, has invented a 3D printer that lets you print your own makeup.  Mink, Choi’s 3D printer, uses regular printer ink and can print out tiny tins of eyeshadows, creams, and lipsticks.



Choi presented Mink at TechCrunch’s Disrupt NY on May 5 where she explained that consumers want a large selection and convenience when it comes to purchasing makeup products.  Mink plans to offer both, having both the internet and your own photographs to select colors from and the ability to print from the convenience of your bedroom.

Users will simply open a Photoshop document, select any color from an image or photograph, and fill the document with the selected color.  Imagine the possibilities!  Love that new lipstick shade your friend is wearing? Snap a picture of it and bring it into Photoshop.  See a bouquet of gorgeous flowers and think how perfect those colors would be for an eyeshadow palette? Take another picture and it’s yours!

Choi plans to sell Mink at $200.  Some of the judges expressed concern that this may be too high of a price point for her selected demographic of 13-21 year old girls.  The judge suggested she target influencers who would buy Mink and then either sell or give away the printed makeup to their friends.  What a great party idea!

What do you think?  Will Mink be worth the investment? Watch the video below for Choi’s explanation and demonstration of Mink.


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1 Comment

  • Reply May 29, 2014


    I need to have this!!! This is an amazing idea and product.