July, 2013


      Breaking Up with College

      When I graduated from high school, my mom told me, “Wait until you finish college. You’re going to bawl your eyes out when you…

      Beginners Guide

      I’m an ESFJ. What are you?

      You may be familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) personality test from a leadership retreat or a Life Skills course in the past. The test was…


      David Spinks of Let’s Feast

      Is your microwave the hardest working appliance in your kitchen? Are you afraid of your broiler? What are you supposed to do with all…


      Toners & Astringents: Do we need them?

      Everybody wants a simple skincare routine, right? So when you hear of another must-have product you just have to incorporate into your daily regimen, you’re skeptical. This definitely…


      The Wedding Present Dilemma

      Weddings are an unbelievable life event for everyone involved. Families come together, old friends reminisce, and love hangs in the air, free for everyone…


      Whoever Said Orange is the New Black is Seriously Not Mistaken

      (Via Laughingsquid.com) While I am the first to admit that I am a cynic, especially when it comes to today’s television, I have to say Orange…

      Swank in The City

      Atlanta: Swank & The City

      Pretty Wicked Moms was definitely one of our guilty pleasures this summer! If you’re in Atlanta, be sure to check out our babe Emily…