

The Jock

High school and college students are under a tremendous amount of pressure with intense classes, a heavy workload, and exceedingly high expectations. Adding a…

{Image via} One of the reasons we would love to read Chuck Bass is because he is always willing to go on an adventure or try something new.

The Importance of Saying Yes

This past weekend I was having a lazy Sunday, and one of my roommates and I were lounging around, watching Season 5 of Gossip Girl….

Warby Parker founders started a do-good campaign based on "buy a pair, give a pair"! {Image via}

A Generous Generation

Generation Y has proven to be something quite unique. We’ve been labeled with many faults: a sense of entitlement, recklessness, extravagance and largesse – but…


Member of the (L.A.) Wedding

This month, I will be traveling for a wedding in Los Angeles. But wedding always begs the question: what do I wear? For some,…

{Image via}

Decorating Your First Place on a Dime

Everyone looks forward to moving into their first post college apartment. Finding the perfect place is only half of the process. The other task is decorating…

{Image via Flickr}

3 tips for finding your dream home

Whether you’re renting or buying, the search for a new home is always nerve-wracking. You’re not just looking for a roof over your head,…