Glee does ‘Blurred Lines’…*head desk*

Because of course the ridiculousness that is Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” will never fully be over until Mr. Schuester sings it — in protest of Principal Sue’s ban on twerking, might I add, for all you #gleeks that missed Thursday’s episode. In other words, creepy teacher who’s consistently overly involved in his student’s lives, sings creepy song about more than questionable sexual advances with a group of teens dancing round. Because, of course.

And while I could break this down in some charged, snarky, predictable language, the Glee gang really does it all for me.

All I can say is thank the creators and writers for Sue Sylvester: “You need to back your ass up to the fact that you, a married 37-year-old, just performed a song about coercive sexual advances as nine minors twerked alongside you – down the hallways of a public high school.” A-freaking-men.

Watch below:


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blurred linescoach suegleeksrobin thicke
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  • Reply November 16, 2013


    It was so painful to watch, they didn’t even nearly address the seriousness of it – like most of Glee they tried to deal with too many issues in a short amount of time and did justice to none of them – and no matter what their message they still paid money to someone horrible to use his “work”. I’m really disappointed that they did it but not surprised…Ryan Murphy needs to get his shit together…I miss the Popular days…

  • Reply November 18, 2013

    Adair-Hayes Crane

    I’m a #Gleek through and through and I cannot stand Mr. Schue. Like, cringe when he’s on screen.

  • Reply November 30, 2013

    Amy Leigh Strickland

    I finally quit Glee the moment the music started for that horrendous song.