The Best Way to Talk About Tampons… Ever.

That’s right, we’re going there. This blunt advertisement for HelloFlo, a organization striving to educate girls about their body and health, is the best thing we’ve seen online all day. Love it or hate it- it gets your brain thinking on how to address women’s health to girls. What are your thoughts? Inappropriate or innovative?


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  • Reply July 30, 2013

    Zoe Bjornson

    I think it’s something that needs to be talked about it and they do it in a funny + cute way. It’s a weird time for younger girls, and everyone needs to accept that this stuff HAPPENS. We can’t prevent it or hide it – it’s a part of life and it’s not weird, so why not laugh at it?

    • Reply July 30, 2013

      Alex Lemley

      I couldn’t agree more, Zoe. I don’t understand why it’s such a taboo topic and treated like a secret. We all went to health class in 5th grade. Males know it’s going on. Why are we shamed into hiding something so natural as sneezing? It’s confusing for girls so young because until we get our first period, we’re clueless about what to expect. Almost a need to know basis on prepping girls for “The Red Badge of Courage”.

      And this girl just rocks.

      • Reply July 30, 2013

        Alex Lemley

        Also found this interesting video about women having open conversations about their body and health. Thoughts, anyone?

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