Hillary Clinton joins Twitter, world speculates


{image via NY Daily News}

The blogosphere and twenty four hour news network went a little crazy this week, with the news that had finally joined Twitter.

As news spread that the former Secretary of State had joined the networking site, her followers grew into the hundreds of thousands. Clinton herself is only following four accounts- those of her husband Bill Clinton, daughter Chelsea Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.

Hillary Clinton also gave a shout-out to the founders of the Texts from Hillary Tumblr, using the now infamous photograph of her sitting on a military plane checking her Blackberry as her profile image.

I was delighted to hear that Clinton had finally become a tweeter, and it is her biography on the site which has raised the inevitable question as to if she will run for the Presidency in 2016.

Clinton identifies herself as a ‘hair icon, glass ceiling cracker and pantsuit aficionado,’ as well as her formal titles of FLOTUS, US Senator and Sec State.

Importantly, the final phrase in her biography reads ‘TBD.’ Is this a subtle sign that Clinton is considering a run for the White House in three years time? The signs point to the suggestion that Clinton may be mounting a campaign. An official website launched earlier this year, and Clinton also joined the speaker’s circuit.

The Ready for Hillary campaign is currently leading the charge for Hillary 2016, with a comprehensive social media campaign posting on a daily basis. Combined with broad support amongst the party base and on Capitol Hill, a Clinton campaign seems all the more formidable.

Much like the use of texting was used in the 2008 campaign to announce Joe Biden as Barack Obama’s running mate; it would be fantastic to see modern technology such as Twitter used to announce such a big campaign milestone.

Will you be following Clinton’s twitter feed, and would you like to see her run for President in 2016?


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