Yoga: A Relaxing Playlist

Yoga music
(image via…)
 As an avid yogi, I am always on the lookout for music to practice to. Music is critical to keep the flow of any yoga class, so I wanted to share some songs that are inspirational and motivational to me. My favorite type of Yoga is Vinyasa, so I tailored this playlist to go along best with a Warm Core Vinyasa class. You may be asking yourself, what is a Vinyasa class? Vinyasa classes are challenging yoga classes that focus on core strength and the breath. The poses vary due to the different styles of each instructor but in every class the asanas (poses) continuously flow together in conjunction with the breath. It is almost like a dance. During classes there is often chanting and it is guaranteed to give you a good sweat.
Here are some songs that can help you achieve your very own Vinyasa flow:

This song allows you to open up. As you move into your practice, this song provides the ideal beat to refocus and warm up your muscles.While listening, you can set the intention of your practice and begin your series of sun salutations.

This is one of my favorites. It always gets me in the mood to do some yoga. Steve Gold has a relaxing voice that makes you feel comfortable and at home. The tempo of this song builds nicely so that you can begin some chaturangas and create some heat for your practice.

Yonderboi kills it with this alternative version of “Riders on the Storm” by the Doors. I enjoy the lack of lyrics and I am inspired by the innovative rhythm he adds to this classic song. Personally, I enjoy this rendition more than the Doors’ version! Sorry, Jim Morrison. Listen and decide which version you like better…

There are a number of Yogi DJ’s but DJ Drez takes the cake. This song makes me picture a distant and exotic marketplace, like the one in Aladdin. As a result, I am immediately brought back to my childhood. Check out DJ Drez for some more amazing yoga beats!

This is not your classic yoga song. I don’t think anyone would expect to see Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven and Gramatik on a Yoga playlist. Nonetheless, I chose this song because number one, it gets me pumped and number two, I am so impressed by how perfectly the two beats mesh together. I think this song really can mix well into any Vinyasa class since it is fast, energizing, and soothing. It can even be used during a cardio workout!

I stumbled upon this song recently and I cannot get over how beautiful it is. The lyrics are honest and powerful. Sia allows me to breathe in and move away from my own insecurities. Yoga class is a time to separate myself from judgement and this song helps me to move away from my critical side.

Hope you enjoyed some of these songs. Even if you do not end up practicing yoga to them, add them to a playlist to relax and slow down after a long day :)


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1 Comment

  • Reply May 7, 2013


    Some nice tunes there. I never hear the Led Zepp one before so thanks for the heads up ! I am a big fan of ambient and ethnic ambiebt sounds. I have a blog with lots of music you might like. It’s called PsyAmb. Also, something more specific for yoga practice is a new blog I just started called YogaAudioTemple. It’s kind of bare but I’ll be adding a lot more yoga mixes over the next year or two.

