Sweet Lemon Best of 2012 Mix

With the New Year right around the corner, I have just three words for you. We. Survived. 2012. The Mayans were wrong, and the world didn’t end on December 21, 2012. Although that power flicker in my apartment at 11:59 on December 20th was NOT cool Universe, not cool.New York City didn’t look like this, though Sandy gave us a pretty good scare, and yes, I admit it, I was terrified the world was going to end, but we made it! I’d say the survival of Earth and mankind calls for a big celebration! I cannot think of a better way to celebrate than to reflect on some of the amazing music 2012 brought us.

While these may not be the most “critically acclaimed” songs of 2012, sometimes I like to be selfish and so I chose my top 25 favorite songs from this year. A few of my favorites are:

The Only Place – Best Coast
I think this song could easily win catchiest of 2012. I am pretty sure I sang this one for three months straight. I love Best Coast, and was definitely pleased with the new album, and impressed with lead singer Bethany Cosentino’s growth as an artist from her debut album. Not to mention her cat, , always earns her some brownie points in my book.

Flowers In Your Hair – The Lumineers
I think I have made it clear by now that I love The Lumineers. I spent a good part of my 2012 waiting for their album to be released, listening to it on repeat, watching their growth, and seeing them in three different venues. Every show has been amazing, and I cannot wait to see what these guys come up with next.

All Alright – Fun.
This is by far my favorite song on this album. Maybe it was that moment when Nick and Jess ALMOST (key word being almost), kind-of, finally kissed in New Girl that made this song that much better for me. Fun. really blew up in 2012 and it was exciting to see a band I already loved progress and hit that long-awaited stardom.

2012 was a great year for music, and I cannot wait to see what the new year brings. Also, please note that if Spotify had Taylor Swift’s latest album, “” would have certainly made the list. Kick back, eat some black-eyed peas and collards for good luck and money and enjoy the list. Take that Mayans!!

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  • Reply December 31, 2012


    Oh my gosh. Such a great playlist. Kudos on your music taste.

  • Reply January 1, 2013

    Ani Bey

    Great choice of songs!!! Love the list
