One of my favorite things about Fall is rolling the car windows down, feeling the cool, crisp breeze fly past, and blasting my favorite music as high as the volume on my stereo will go. Albeit not necessarily economical, taking some time in the late afternoon or early evening to just drive around town listening to music is by far one of the most relaxing activities. Whether with friends or by myself, taking a ride and seeing all the colorful leaves change right in front of me is good for the soul.
I had the hardest time narrowing down songs to put on this playlist because this is by far my favorite way to listen to music, making it difficult to pick just 25 “perfect songs.” For me, building playlists is an art. I spend a lot of time listening to the songs (even if it’s a song I’ve heard a million times) to make sure it’s just right for the mix. Then, once I’ve carefully crafted the group of songs, I rearrange the tracks to get them in an order that flows perfectly, often rearranging multiple times before I’m pleased. Finally, I listen to the mix at least once all the way through to guarantee I have perfected the order.
At first, when I was compiling these songs, I wasn’t sure if they belonged on the same playlist, however, after one full listen I was sold on my seemingly random selections, and I hope you are too!
Wouldn’t It Be Nice – The Beach Boys
I started the playlist with this track for the simple reason that it’s the opening track to one of the best albums of all time, Pet Sounds. I can’t take credit for discovering my love for this album on my own, however. About a year ago my boyfriend convinced me that I HAD to listen to this album all the way through and in order, and I’ve been hooked ever since. If you have never listened to Pet Sounds, do yourself a favor and give it a shot.
Dark Blue – Jack’s Mannequin
There was no question that this song was making it onto the playlist. This song has been my favorite song to ride around, windows down, jamming to since before I even had my license. It makes me think of Fall nights and Chai Tea lattes, and good times with good friends. Not to mention how “relatable” the lyrics were to my angsty teenage self. This is no doubt an amazing song for Fall nights.
All My Days – Alexi Murdoch
I don’t know what it is about this song, but it encompasses Fall. The smooth guitar, Alexi Murdoch’s soft, soothing voice. Well, all that and maybe I subconsciously relate it to Fall because it was in the Thanksgiving episode in the fourth season of The O.C. This song makes me think of orange, yellow, and red leaves falling around me as I drive down a winding country road on a cool autumn afternoon.
Now grab yourself a Chai Tea latte, fill up your gas tank, plug in your iPod and take these tunes on the road! Live in the city with no access to a car? Put in your earbuds and take a walk or pump up the playlist, make a pot of coffee, and sit outside at dusk, watching the last rays of the warm sunlight hug the skyline before going down for the day.