Anyone who knows me also knows I have a hard time sitting still. There’s always a list to check off, an errand to run, or craft to be made. I often wonder how it is one of my younger sisters and I are related. She is the queen of relaxation. Yoga, cups of tea, journaling, bubble baths – you name it, she probably does it at least once a day. Now I know everyone has a different idea of what’s relaxing and what’s not, so I’ve put together some of my favorite things to do in order to relax & refresh after a long day.
1. {Candles & Fresh Flowers} Voluspa candles brighten up any room and remain one of favorite. However, right now, I’m in love with everything pumpkin – and pumpkin candles are perfect to set the fall mood. I love candles at work, in my bedroom, in my bathroom and all around the house. Something about them puts me in a better mood instantly. Fresh flowers go hand in hand, the more, the better.
2. {Magazines} While I love to read books (hello Book Club!), flipping through the pages of a favorite weekly is effortless = relaxing for me. The same is true for the monthly reads (Town & Country, Garden & Gun to name a few).
3. {iPad Music} I have a habit of playing music on my Ipad while getting ready in the morning, while cleaning my room, baking, and even when doing work. Loud obnoxious music relaxes me, ha, but right now a few songs I enjoy are “You Got What I Need” by Joshua Radin, “Learning to Love Again” by Mat Kearney and “Oh Virginia” by Mockingbird Sun.
4. {TV Shows} I know this might not seem like the most relaxing activity to most, but to me, snuggling up on the couch behind hours of TV wipes away a day’s stress. Mindless reality, dramas, comedic sitcoms, you name it – I will watch it. This also includes re-watching old series on DVD or Hulu ( anyone?).
5. {Long Walks} Taking a long walk during lunch, after work, or in the morning, to me, is absolutely relaxing. My roommate and I will often walk around the monuments in DC, down by the waterfront or even just a stroll through our neighborhood in Georgetown. These are much more enjoyable now that the weather is cooling down and the leaves are changing colors. What’s not to love?
6. {Pedicures & Manicures} Who doesn’t like being pampered after a stressful week? Make it a date with yourself or best girl friend.
7. {Wine} This goes without saying. Red for cool months, white for warm months or who am I kidding? White year round works too.
8. {Lists} Last but certainly not least, making lists. This probably seems like an oxymoron, but really, sitting down and making a list in one of my May Books – whether it’s for the day, the week or even the month, helps me to stay on top of things, clear my head and get organized. When my life is organized, I’m relaxed – when it’s not, well, you probably should steer clear!
What’s on your relax list? Let me know!