It’s The Little Things

Be the type of person you want to meet

Earlier this week, while on my , I came cross this quote that Sweet Lemon Magazine’s Co-Founder & Creative Director, pinned. It caught my eye immediately. Naturally, I repinned and later, it was posted on page as well. When it kept showing up on different avenues, I knew I had to give it more thought. This may sound like a no-brainer, but for me, this line is so inspiring.

Every day, our lives cross paths with so many others, from the strangers we sit by on our morning commutes, the baristas at our favorite coffee shops, co-workers, family and close friends. We touch the lives of others, for better or for worse, without even having to try. In turn, our lives are also affected by these very same people.

Sometimes we get in our own groove, traveling from one place to the next, and we forget to take time to hold open a door, say “good morning” or even smile at a stranger passing by. Believe me, I know I am fully guilty of this and I am sure many of you are too.

However, it’s important to remember that we have no idea what others are going through and sometimes that smile could make someone’s day just a little brighter. A simple act of kindness is contagious and may affect others you will never come across. Furthermore, doing all these things without expecting anything in return is quite rewarding. Chicken Soup for the Soul? I think so.

What type of person would you want to meet? Someone who is negative, grumpy and apathetic towards others? Or someone who presents herself with confidence, a sense of grace and a kind heart? I would think the latter.

Recent events in my life have taught me how precious life is, how each day should be lived to its fullest and how ordinary actions can become extraordinary with a certain mindset. This quote makes me want to live each day with integrity, live up to certain standards and treat every one with the respect they deserve. It also reminds me how connected we all are, whether we realize it or not.

So, be inspired to do the same! Smile a little more, connect with those around you and you’ll feel the difference in your life, I promise.


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1 Comment

  • Reply October 16, 2012


    <3 it! :)