How to Take Advantage of Your Twenties

Take advantage of your 20s

We are young. We are free. We are unstoppable. We are in the prime of our youth where endless opportunities await us, and the world is ours for the taking. But for some reason, we forget that. We get lost under the pressure of interviews, exams, and expectations. We let the stress eat at us, and we let our fatigue overwhelm us. But this is a waste, and this must stop. We must see what’s right in front of us: the greatest years of our lives solely dedicated to letting our spirits brim over with adventure and passion. So here’s how to make that necessary change to getting the most out of these magical years:

Fulfillment. Of your time, of your mind, of yourself. Live in the moment. We must fulfill these years with experiences and people that build us up as we reach towards a better future of growth and success. Don’t get lost in life that you forget to live. Fully experience each moment and surround yourself with positive energy, experiences, and people.

Independence. Be your own person creating your own life. People often get lost in the feeling of taking care of others whether its boyfriends, friends, siblings, or even your parents. But this is not the time. The 20’s are your years to do what you’ve always wanted and to be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Be Carrie Bradshaw strutting down the streets of New York City or be Hilary Clinton taking the political world by storm. But don’t be the one pushing aside their happiness and goals for someone else. Only regret and resentment will follow. Depend on yourself to live the life you want.

Confidence. As an English and Communication major, I constantly receive skeptical looks from Business school students who question my career future. I’ve even been asked by my own friends if I’m just going to write poetry all my life which is seriously offensive. But if I doubted myself every time someone else did, I would be in huge trouble. I’ve learned to be confident in my future and my work because they are what I love. Once again, these are your selfish years so listen to yourself and no one else. Dismiss what other people think of your decisions. Defy the odds and remember that we make our own happiness.

Love. Love people, love things, love ideas, love yourself, love the world. Fill yourself with passion, and let your heart guide your mind.

Immersion. In the words of Kyoko Escamilla: “Your twenties are your ‘selfish’ years. It’s a decade to immerse yourself in every single thing possible. Be selfish with your time, and all the aspects of you. Tinker, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little, and never touch the ground.”

So next time you find yourself stuck in a life depleted of actual living, snap out of it. Remember that this is a time of vibrancy and magic. It is one of the few times to live freely, wildly, while never looking back. Be who you want. Do what you want. And make the future that you want.
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1 Comment

  • Reply November 1, 2012

    Jasmine Williams

    I absolutley have to repost this on my blog if you don’t mind! I needed this so much! Thank you!