How I Fell in Love with Yoga: Part Two

When I walked into my first class, I immediately felt a sense of calm come over me. This is partly due to the cool and collected demeanor of the instructor, Karen. A quintessential “yogi,” Karen has an overall presence that’s both inspiring and motivating. Her style of teaching is different than anything I’ve ever experienced before. She makes yoga a true mind-body experience, from the incredibly challenging flow of the class to the cool music selection (I was immediately sold after I heard a Radiohead song blaring through the loud speakers). Your muscles shake until they’re fatigued, yet you leave her class feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and most importantly, renewed.

How I fell in love with yoga
(image via…)

Throughout her classes, Karen stresses the importance of staying focused and not comparing yourself to others in the class. The first time she mentioned this in class, I felt like she was reading my mind. By nature, I’m very hard on myself (I’m a Type A personality). I feel a substantial amount of external pressure to compete with my peers, which leaves me feeling unhappy and a tad bit resentful. In yoga, the focus is on self-exploration and creating a practice that’s comfortable for you. Once I understood the mind-body connection (it took me a few classes), I was able to release all tension from my body and truly enjoy my yoga practice.

While I’m still fairly new to yoga, it’s safe to say I’m officially hooked (and yes, I’m already planning on becoming an instructor!). Since I started my practice, I’ve noticed a shift in my overall outlook on life. A former “control freak,” I’ve learned to take a deep breath and take each day at a time. Instead of thinking about the unknown, I strive to celebrate the present and focus on the positive. Yoga gives me a sense of hope and assurance, and, most of all, it has taught me just how amazing my body truly is— something I used to take for granted. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds, and I know one thing is for certain: yoga will definitely be a part of it.

Are you a “yogi”? If so, how did you develop your yoga practice? I’d love to hear from you!


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1 Comment

  • Reply October 25, 2012


    You know taking yoga classes for the first time is really scary. The two things that would make you attend the second class are how you feel about the instructor and the place. It’s nice your instructor was one of those who screams discipline in every movement and radiates grace. It is easier to follow someone who has gained your respect in the first place.

    –> Mathias