Fall Forward

Fall Forwardjacket // wellies // shawl //wreath // bucket // wine glasses // agenda // // diamond ring

After a social-filled summer, September is often deemed a “month off” for many, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a laundry list of tasks to complete before All Hallows’ Eve and the Holiday extravaganzas begin. In fact, I can’t think of a more perfect time to get those closets cleaned, your house in order, and your calendar scheduled.

Below are some helpful pre-Holiday must-do’s.

1. Switch the closets- It’s like getting a whole new wardrobe (really). Depending on your address, this may not be necessary (I lived 18 years without doing this by way of the Sunshine State). However, for those of us blessed with four perfect seasons, now is the time to slowly begin this often dreaded domestic project. I take this time to toss the old “I never wore these” clothes, organize what’s left and bust out the fall gear that’s been tucked away all summer long.

2. Prepare the car for the winter season. Nothing makes me more annoyed than driving in the snow. I still find the first snowfall of the year exciting but throw a car/driving in the mix and you’ll have me running right back to Florida. So before the winter snow falls, take this chance to weather proof your car- new wipers, oil change, snow tires? – the works. And most importantly, the ice scraper and brush…ugh.

3. Purchase new must-haves and can’t-live-withouts. With fashion week now behind us, pick your favorite staples and add to the fall collection that is your closet. It makes dressing in the the morning that much more exciting. Who doesn’t adore dressing with tags?

4. RSVP to Weddings. If your friends are anything like mine & you’re 20-something, you should have lots of these invitations filling your mailboxes and now is the time to decide what you can attend, who’s your lucky “plus one” and of course, what ever will you wear?

5. Plan fall adventures. Aside from football games cheering on your alma mater (see my post last week on Game Days), there’s so many adventures that the fall season brings- pumpkin patches, ghost tours, apple picking, wine tastings, music festivals, and more – take advantage of what you have close to home or plan a weekend away with friends if your schedule/budget permits.

6. Brace yourself for the HoliParties to begin. If you play hostess during the Holiday season, this also means it’s time to start thinking about your own; never too early to start planning and pinning. We all know that once Halloween passes, it might as well be New Year’s Eve. Before you know it we’ll all be decking the halls and counting down until midnight.

I guess September really isn’t a month off after all? So take a deep breath, drink more pumpkin spiced lattes than necessary, and don’t forget your scarf. Fall only comes but once a year!


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