Dear Jack: I want to get a dog


Team –

Thanks for the response to my last post.  Spoiler alert: most girls want a guy that has a solid head on his shoulders and a good job.

Now on to this week’s post:

“My boyfriend and I are thinking about getting a dog – he’s great but I can sense some hesitation, any thoughts on why that might be?”

-          Darcy

For additional information, I reached out to Darcy and asked her if her and the boyfriend were living together – they were not. 

Hey Darcy Dog Lover,

Despite what you think – getting a dog is a big f*cking deal!  You and the boyfriend don’t even live together, so yes I can understand the hesitation.  Let’s all be honest you want the dog as an added sense of security he is going to stay with you. Dogs are like engagement rings expect with fur and slobber.  But let’s think about how you are going to sell this to your friends and family.  ”Hey Mom – Jack and I got a dog together… no, we aren’t getting married but we do have a dog.  Your mom will translate this into “In 6 to 12 months Darcy will be married to Jack”.  So yes – he has every right in the world to be a little nervous, just make you have both have the big kid conversation about your future.

Hope this helps,


The mail has been great lately guys – keep the questions/responses/coming .

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