Dear Jack: All I Want For Christmas Is… Not Gift Cards


Dear Jack,

 I am not high maintenance – but my boyfriend has a bad track record of giving gifts.  They aren’t bad gifts – just somewhat odd.   Last Christmas, he gave me [a] $200 gift card to J. Crew and a $100 [gift card] to Morton’s.   It is also weird when my friends are getting jackets, Frye boots, etc and I have to explain I got “gift cards”.  How do I tell him this is not cool and I want actual gifts?


Dear Fed-up Fara,

Oh yes – we are finally in that period of time when it is socially acceptable to drunkenly stomp up and down and scream “” by Mariah Carey.  So I get it – he gave the gift, but not the right gifts.  So we want to prevent the same mistake from happening twice – it is perfectly acceptable for you to send him a list, and sizes (please include working links).  As a guy, we should be somewhat clueless as to what your girlfriend wants – I mean we don’t sit there and hover over you while you online shop all day.

But remember, this is a tit for tat type of thing.  Make sure you ask him to include what he would like for Christmas as well.

Hope this helps,


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