Code Red! (…Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)

Don’t panic. There isn’t a real emergency… but rather a “color-gency” inspired by your elementary art class.  That’s right… ROY G. BIV.  Remember that lesson?  Well the NEAT girls are here to provide the ultimate tutorial on utilizing the good ol’ color spectrum to make your space more functional and aesthetically pleasing.

If you need a refresher on the ROY G. BIV acronym or find yourself flustered with all the colors in between, here’s the down and dirty on the NEAT color scheme: Arrange from left to right, lightest to darkest:  White, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Brown, Gray, Black.

Code orange

Now that you’re seeing rainbows, lets review the benefits of color-coding your most prized possession, your wardrobe.

  1. SAVE TIME.  Finding the perfect outfit becomes effortless when you group your clothing by color because you can easily pinpoint just what you’re looking for.   Plus, closet maintenance is simplified when you know exactly where to put back that canary yellow tank or modern red blouse.
  2. SAVE MONEY.  We love black.  It’s slimming.  Classy.  A true go to.  But lets be honest, no one wants to feel an “Adams Family” vibe when the closet door swings open.  Color-coding identifies a Minimalist Rule offense (Remember our eight rules of purging?).  When you know what’s in your closet, you’re less likely to shop blindly.
  3. PEACE OF MIND.  A Rainbow Brite inspired closet helps you identify gaps in your wardrobe and ensures you have all the essentials to dress your best.  No longer will your eye be distracted from the clothes that make you feel fabulous.

Embracing the ROY G. BIV philosophy does not stop with your closet.  Envision all the spaces this color fusion can take over.  A color-coded bookshelf becomes an interior design conversation piece, offering a polished, streamlined way to display your favorite books.

Color coding office supplies


{image via Cupcakes and Cashmere}

Arrange your office files by category and assign each category a color.  For example, red folders and tabs identify medical paperwork and green categorizes financial documents.  You can also apply this method to your calendar.  Color code events, appointments, birthdays, and meetings.  Assigning your favorite color to your favorite activity keeps the item top of mind and gives you something to look forward to!

A rainbow palette for your makeup and nail polish not only looks pretty, but also identifies colors you’re missing.

We hope you’re feeling like Dorothy and are over-the-rainbow-excited to take on the NEAT color scheme (you get extra credit if you actually have ruby red slippers in that shoe collection).  Pour yourself a glass of your favorite vino tonight and start tackling that closet.  Aren’t you eager to be one step closer to living The NEAT Life?!

By Catherine Zinn and Raelynn Johnson of  
neath methodorganizing
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  • [...] a bit and learn a little more about the Neat life. (You may have read some of their tips from color coding to kitchen organization here before, as the two write for Sweet Lemon each [...]