Plants for Health: Who Knew?

I’ve always loved plants, and these days, I appreciate them for more than just their beauty and the fact that they can’t talk. This seriously helps my stress level! Plants have health benefits galore, and I’m going to share a few common plants that can easily make a positive difference in your daily wellbeing.

Seriously folks, did you know that plants help filter the air, so having lots of houseplants not only brings the feel of the outdoors in, but it helps you breath better air in the process?

Especially if you are working inside at a desk all day, having some leafy green plants around will help you stay healthy and will brighten up your workspace! Some top indoor plant choices include the spider plant, the snake plant and the Peace Lily.

{Image via}

Flat leaf parsley {Image via}

As big fan of fresh juice and smoothies, I planted my own herb garden so that I have fresh herbs to add each morning to my daily tonic. I have Italian flat leaf parsley, known to boost the immune system and aid in digestion.

Thyme {image via}

Thyme {image via}

Genovese basil offers anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and lemon thyme, an herb loaded with vitamin K, helps protect bone health. If osteoporosis runs in your family (as it does in mine), remember that thyme is on your side!

Genovese basil {Image via}

Genovese basil {Image via}

A small herb garden doesn’t take up much space, and you can grow them indoors or out. They love a sunny kitchen window, so try growing one of these tiny greens!

An aloe plant is another of nature’s gems that you need to have in your arsenal! The gel inside the aloe leaves is magic for almost any skin ailment; aloe is a natural antiseptic and is highly effective in healing wounds. Many people sing the praises of consuming aloe juice, which is said to be great for digestive issues and glowing skin and can even lower cholesterol. I’ve heard that the taste is not so great, so it will probably behoove you to add it to your smoothie. Be sure to consult your physician before using aloe on your skin or ingesting it in any form!

For me, health is the best sort of wealth, and if I can boost my health through nature’s bounty of glorious plants, I’m all over it. It’s also nice that a one-time investment in a plant such as herbs keeps on giving and giving.

Just don’t forget to water them now and then!


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