In my childhood group of friends, Jenna Minecci is the fitness guru. As a University of Tennessee legacy and alumni, this fitness junkie completed her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and is a certified National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer.
Currently a Body Transformation Specialist, Jenna works at Renu Health and Fitness in Nashville, Tennessee. When she came into town for a short visit, I knew I had to ask about her motivation, recovery from 6 surgeries, and new fitness career.

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Even though it is a part of your job and you’re an athlete, who has undergone major surgeries, how do you stay motivated in the gym?
Jenna Minecci: Sometimes it’s hard to train clients all day and still get to the gym to fit in my workout, but my workouts encourage me. I’m challenging myself and holding myself accountable every day.
Leading by example is also a great way to show my clients that their fitness goals can be accomplished; if they see me working out hard it will inspire them more. Plus my workouts help me sleep better, live longer, manage stress, and keep my joints from hurting so much!
You’ve recovered from numerous surgeries due to your ACL. How did you help yourself get back in shape?
Jenna Minecci: I’ve had a total of 6 surgeries; 5 knee surgeries and 1 hip surgery. Overcoming these typically career ending injuries was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. After each surgery, I lost my muscle mass and gained fat to replace it. I struggled with motivation and frustration.
I am a true believer that your struggles determine your strengths. With each surgery, I learned how to overcome setbacks, physically and mentally, and the importance of patience and persistence. I had to teach myself the WIN method: ‘What’s Important Now?’.
These experiences taught me my passion for the human body and its amazing abilities. It made me realize I wanted to help others achieve things they never thought their bodies could do. It motivated me to want to help people take care of their bodies to be disease-free, pain-free, and injury-free.
What do you recommend to others recovering from injuries and surgery?
Katrina Manning
Very inspiring!