How I Fell in Love with Yoga: Part One

In college, I was a dedicated Pilates instructor and runner, often sneaking in a four or five mile jog before teaching a marathon of afternoon classes. Teaching was truly the highlight of my day; I loved motivating my students to push themselves physically and they loved the results (although, I’m sure the hated me during the process!) they earned from taking Pilates. I also enjoyed the transformation I experienced from teaching sometimes ten (ten!) classes a week. While I rarely had the time to take a fitness class for my own enjoyment, I forced myself to go to yoga a handful of times. Ever the Type A personality, I decided yoga wasn’t for me- it was too slow, too relaxed, too boring. I didn’t feel like I was getting a “good workout.” Plus, I was way too stressed out with my college courses to spend an hour “breathing” through poses and stretching my way to sanity.

How I fell in love with yoga
(image via…)

My attitude about fitness, especially yoga, completely changed after I graduated from college and became a full-time copywriter. As someone who has always been active, I was shocked at the complete change in my attitude toward working out when I started my first professional job. Instead of mustering the energy to go for a run or do Pilates after a hard day at the office, I chose to relax on my couch. After all, I thought, it’s exhausting being a writer! And sitting all day can really wear a girl out! After several months of this behavior, I started to notice some surprising changes in myself. I no longer had energy at the end of the day. I was depressed and experienced severe mood swings. And, most of all, I had lost total interest in what used to be a major part of my life.

One day, I finally went for a run and realized that I couldn’t run for more than a mile without huffing and puffing. I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I used to run eight miles at a time, I thought. This is unacceptable! Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to run a little bit every day until I gained my endurance back. And, sure enough, my plan worked! It only took a couple months before I was running regularly again. But, because I was used to cross-training with Pilates, I felt like there was a missing component in my routine.

I joined a gym in January of this year, with the intention of taking as many Pilates classes as possible. It didn’t take long before I realized that the style of Pilates at my gym was completely different than what I was used to teaching as an instructor. Instead of enjoying the classes, I spent the entire hour critiquing the instructors. I forced myself to go to a few more classes, and even went to a couple of yoga classes (I was feeling desperate!) before I stopped going to the gym altogether. I was still active, though, running 15-20 miles a week. But, deep down, I knew it wasn’t enough.

When I turned 25, I made a list of goals, one of them being to “run a half marathon.” I began training shortly after that. I also went back to the gym, attempting to take some Pilates classes, but each time, I left feeling unsatisfied. Fitness is supposed to be fun!, I thought. That’s when I decided to give yoga another shot, not realizing that my life was about to completely change.

Stay tuned for Part Two next week!


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1 Comment

  • Reply September 20, 2012

    Janice Doolitle

    Very inspiring story. This I can very much relate. I’m also a writer and I’ve been working for several months now without having much else to do afterwards but eat and sleep. Even if I finished my part in a day, it seems as though I’m not productive at all. Then I realized that I’m drained most of the time. I lack physical activity. That’s why I’m looking for blogs that can help me with my problem and thankfully this came. I hope I can be back on track if I follow your example. I’ll find out soon.