Fitness: Make It Fit for You

Fit for You

We all know that fitness is important, but sometimes squeezing it into our busy schedules just seems too difficult. Personally, I’m lucky – I love to run! Many people might think that I’m crazy, but after a long day, the first thing that I want to do is run. I’m sure that most would rather crash or lounge to unwind, but running clears my head, helps me to relax, and makes me feel great. I consider myself even luckier because I often get the opportunity to run in amazing places like London’s Regent’s Park or along the beach on Cape Cod. I’ve tried to encourage many of my friends and family members to run. Now, they may not go as fast or far or have the same kinds of goals that I do, but I try to stress just how great it is to make an effort.

I think that this is what everyone needs to realise: regardless of your fitness goals, they need to be just that – yours.  Step one is choosing an activity that you enjoy! If you recognise this and choose an activity accordingly, motivating yourself to exercise can be so easy. For example, if you don’t particularly like exercise, find something that doesn’t feel like it. Play tennis with a  friend or go for a walk with your dog! Adding other individuals to the routine will help to keep your more committed to your activity of choice and hopefully looking forward to it too.

Race with Dog

I’ve tried Soul Cycle, and while I understand why so many people love it, it’s just not for me. Some people love the fast pace, the tunes, and the encouraging instructors. I’ve also tried yoga, which I learned can vary greatly between studios and teachers. If you choose to do a class, try a few, and pick one that is taught by someone who inspires you and who you know will keep you coming back for more!Scheduling time in your day, setting and writing down your goals, or creating a reminder all can help too.

Lastly, make sure that you have the right gear. If you’re not comfortable, you are not going to enjoy yourself – and plus, picking up a cute pair of running shorts just makes you that more likely to head out and hit the pavement. Always keep what inspires you in mind. Do you love music? Make a great playlist! Make this about you. You’re using your time to do something for yourself – for your health, for your mind, for your body, just for you!


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