Summer Fruit Mojitos


Temperatures have been scorching hot across the country this summer. Many cities are hitting record highs daily, and everyone is looking for ways to cool off. I like to spend my weekends by the pool, taking a break from the heat. Mixing up this Summer Fruit Mojito is an essential pool side treat!

Mojitos are a popular drink in their native Cuba but have become a cocktail favorite worldwide. This recipe uses summer fruits, rum, mint, and honey to make an excellent bikini-friendly drink. Most mojitos are usually high in calories because they require a simple syrup. Simply swapping out the syrup for honey or agave nectar will save you a lot calories!

What you will need:

  • 1 lime, sliced into fourths
  • 1 peach, skinned and sliced into chunks
  • 1/4 cup of blueberries
  • 1/4 cup of blackberries
  • 2 tablespoons of agave nectar or honey
  • club soda
  • 6 mint sprigs
  • 4 ounces rum

What to do:

Step 1. Wash the fruit and set it aside to dry.


Step 2. Add the mint, lime, and honey to mason jars (or other drinking vessel). Using a muddler, muddle the mint mixture until you began to smell the mint aroma.




Step 3. Add the fruit to the mason jars and muddle the mixture.

Step 4. Pour 2 ounces of rum and ice into each mason jar. Cover mason jar with lid and shake.


Step 5. Top each jar off with club soda.


Step 6. Garnish each jar with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint. Enjoy!


Recipe yields two mojitos.


Cocktailfood + drinklimemojitosrefreshingsummer cocktailssummer recipe
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