The Pinterest Myth of One Pot Pasta

My friends, I am now the master of cooking one-pot spaghetti! And, yes – it is totally worth the exclamation point. Why is this such a big deal? Two reasons: ONE PAN (clean up is a snap), oh and did I mention: ONE PAN? I’d seen so many “” dishes on Pinterest recently, and honestly I had my doubts … and I still do about the (anyone out there tried making it yet?). I’ve tried making one-pot dishes in the past using pasta and they never turned out: crunchy pasta (yuk!); mushy pasta (eep!) – and the flavor of the whole dish always seemed diluted somehow. #foodiefail


When I set out to make this dish I hoped that it wouldn’t be like my other experiences with one-pot cooking. I mean, this recipe had been blessed by the high priestess of everything nice, Martha Stewart. No matter your feelings about the woman you can be rest assured about one thing: whatever she puts her name on WILL be good.

This is quite easily the quickest, yummiest, least “make a mess of your kitchen” meal I’ve ever made. This recipe makes a lot (but can be easily reduce by half) and is customizable to your own tastes (I mean, onions? *shudder*). Another big bonus to this meal? If you’re pinching pennies, this meal doesn’t cost a lot to make – especially if you can get your hands on homegrown produce.


One Pot Pasta
Originally from Martha Stewart


12 ounces whole wheat linguine
1 large tomato diced (or 12 ounces grape tomatoes halved)
2 sprigs of basil, more for garnish
1 onion thinly sliced (optional)
2-3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/2 – 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
2 Tbsp EVOO
4 1/2 cups water
Parmesan Cheese


Combine pasta, tomatoes, onion, garlic, red-pepper flakes, basil, oil, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and water in a large straight-sided skillet. Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil mixture, stirring and turning pasta frequently with tongs, until pasta is al dente and water has nearly evaporated, about 9 minutes.

Season to taste with salt and pepper, divide among 4 bowls, and garnish with basil. Serve with oil and Parmesan.

Happy Eating!


one pot pastapasta
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  • Reply August 28, 2013

    Zoe Bjornson

    Love this – can’t wait to try!

  • Reply September 5, 2013

    Katrina Manning
