Lemonade for the Lemon Lady

lemonade for lemon lady

I don’t know about you, but my number one drink for summer is lemonade. When I was a youngster, I remember trying to concoct my very own lemonade recipe. I wish that I could say it was a success and that I went on to open a neighborhood stand and make a fortune…but, alas, it was not to be. (Unfortunately, lemon Starbursts dissolved into water with a pinch of sugar didn’t quite cut it. Darn.)

While no store bought lemonade or mix can surpass an all-natural, freshly-squeezed homemade blend, there are plenty of comparable products on the market that come pretty close. I’ve rated five different lemonades on a scale of one to five lemons, with a “5”earning top honors. Whether you like your lemonade nice and tout or sugary sweet, one of these lemony drinks is sure to delight!

San Pellegrino Limonata (5 Lemons)

From the exquisite packaging to its lemony goodness,SanPellegrino wows on all fronts. Originating in Italy, San Pellegrino’s Limonata (a mix of sparkling water and juice) has a zesty kick to it. Seconds after your first sip, you’ll still be feeling the sourness! I can’t imagine a more fitting drink to indulge in while on vacay at the beach. Limonata is definitely my pick for the most unique-tasting and sophisticated lemonade on the market.

Crystal Light (3.5 Lemons)

For lemon ladies on the go, Crystal Light is the quintessential lemonade to keep in your refrigerator at all times. Although I drink Crystal Light all year long, it especially comes in handy during the summer. I particularly like to fill my venti-sized Starbucks cup with Crystal Light and ice in the a.m. and drink it throughout the day. Unlike some drinks that get watered down by melting ice, this one maintains its lemony flavor. Just mix the powder with water for a simple, five calorie lemonade.

Vitamin Water Zero: Squeezed Lemonade (3 Lemons)

If your go-to drink in the summer is H2O (the best and healthiest form of hydration), but want to change it up a bit, then Vitamin Water Zero is the way to go. It contains a hint of lemon flavoring that is subtle, yet not too overpowering. Additionally, Vitamin Water Zero is packed with ten different vitamins, making it the perfect replenishing beverage after an intensive summer workout.

Normally, I’m not a fan of flavored waters – the ones that I’ve tried in the past have either been too watered down or were loaded with artificial ingredients. That said, Vitamin Water’s all-natural squeezed lemonade has a crisp, refreshing taste.

Calypso (4 Lemons)

On a sweltering day (you know, the kind when the AC is on max) a bottle of Calypsohits the spot. Out of all the lemonades I’ve tried, this one was the most tout and could have passed as the real deal!

The only downfall for me was the calorie count. Thanks to its 120 calories per serving (300 per bottle) and high sugar count, I would only drink it sparingly. Sure was tasty and smooth, though!

Sparkling Ice Classic Lemonade (3.5 Lemons)

Flat is one thing that Sparkling Ice’s Classic Lemonade is not. Less a lemonade, more a carbonated drink, it reminded me of Fresca with its balance of bubbliness and slightly acidic yet fruity taste. Coming in at zero calories, this sparkling mountain spring water would be ideal for sipping at lunch or for the car ride home.


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1 Comment

  • Reply July 9, 2013

    Lauren Chavey

    San Pellegrino Limonata is certainly a five-lemon drink — and a hit for entertaining. The Aranciata Rossa is seriously good, too, if you want to shake things up (although, I don’t think anyone could tire of Lemon!). Great picks!