Homemade Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

I love chocolate and peanut butter! Maybe that’s why one of my favorite chocolates is a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup! But we all know how unhealthy that can be, you know, a serving is a full pack right?

Well I’ve been trying to make all my favorite indulgences less guilty. And that is why I have the best recipe if you, too, are a fan of chocolate and peanut butter (or almond butter and cashew butter!) The best thing about this easy-to-follow method is that you can use the ingredients that fit your diet – like soy or dairy-free chocolate.

photo 1-2Homemade Reese’s Pieces (makes approximately 12)


 2 cups Dark Chocolate (*you can mix any kind of dark chocolate together)

1 cup Organic Crunchy Peanut Butter


  1. Take 12 rubber muffin cups, and spread them out on a cookie sheet.
  2. Melt all of your dark chocolate.
  3. Place a ½ tbsp. of the melted chocolate into the rubber muffin cups. Remember you want to make sure that the bottom has a layer of chocolate (You be the judge for how thick you want it!)
  4. Place the muffin cups into the freezer for approximately 30 minutes.
  5. Place the remainder of the dark chocolate to the side. You will need it soon!
  6. Take your muffin cups out of the freezer, and place 2 tsp. of Organic Peanut Butter on top of the frozen chocolate layer. Remember, you’re decide your own chocolate to peanut butter ratio.
  7. Add a top layer of chocolate. Make sure you cover the peanut butter layer.
  8. Place it into the freezer for approximately 30 minutes
  9. Pop them out of the rubber muffin cups, and they are ready to eat!

I usually but just under a tablespoon of chocolate, another tablespoon of peanut butter and enough chocolate to just cover my peanut butter. But you be the judge, and determine how you want your peanut butter cups to turn out.

photo 2-2

You can also use almond butter, or cashew butter as a substitute from peanut butter!

Once you start making your own Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, you will no longer be tempted to buy them at the store!



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