Grilled Smoked Salmon & Pesto Crostini

This week I’ve spent a lot of time in the car, road-tripping across this great land of ours to visit family in Virginia. What this means is that I haven’t spent ANY time in the kitchen (I KNOW! – but it has been a refreshing change of pace). Just because I haven’t spent nay time in the kitchen, doesn’t mean I haven’t been eating (and collecting recipes for) some amazing dishes. My cousin in Richmond is absolutely, positively the most amazing hostess, cook and baker. After a few days staying with her all I can say is: what diet?

Have I ever mentioned that I really, really, really love snacky-food/appetizers? Sometimes, for dinner all I want is a small salad and some munchies. Add a glass of vino…Perfection.

This appetizer is wonderfully fresh and light – and would be a great change from your typical wine and cheese nights with your friends. If you don’t like smoked salmon (but really, why wouldn’t you?) you can try using smoked trout or any other smoked fish that strikes your fancy (but seriously, just make it with the smoked salmon).


Grilled Smoked Salmon & Pesto Crostini
Adapted from Bon Appetit


2 cups packed fresh basil leaves
1/3 cup EVOO
1/3 cup walnut pieces
1/3 cup grated pecorino Romano cheese
1/2 cup creme fraiche (or sour cream)

1 french baguette sliced into 1/4-inch pieces
additional EVOO
2 4.5-ounce packages skinless smoked salmon, cut into 24 pieces


Combine basil, walnuts, EVOO and cheeses in food processor; blend until almost smooth.

Transfer to bowl; fold in creme fraiche. Season with salt and pepper.

Prepare barbecue (or preheat broiler). Brush bread on both sides lightly with oil. Grill or broil until golden and crunchy, about two minutes per side.

Let bread pieces cool and then top with pesto and a piece of smoked salmon.

Bon Appetit!


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  • Reply September 11, 2013

    Katrina Manning

    These are a few of my favorite things: pesto and salmon! =)

  • Reply September 12, 2013

    This looks amazing! I love salmon and pesto, but I’ve never tried them together :)

  • Reply September 13, 2013


    These are incredibly amazing! And I agree – salmon and pesto are two of my favorite things!