Don’t leave for LDW until you’ve packed these essentials

Labor Day Weekend is approaching, which means so is the end of summer. But before you break out your favorite scarves and cozy sweaters, let’s try for a few more beach weekends. And for all of you who love the trip, but hate the packing, I’ve laid out some essentials that you can’t leave for the beach without.

Labor Day Weekend Beach essentials

Calypso St. Barth dress / Cloth & Stone blue shirt / Victoria’s Secret victoria secret swimsuit / Havaianas flip flops / Bag / Ray-Ban sunglasses

One of my favorites here is the wet bathing suit bag from Ame & Lulu, mainly because there are few things I hate more than putting wet anything into a nice, dry beach bag. Now, problem solved — and I no longer have to nerdily carry heavy duty Ziploc bags with me to the beach. (Yes, I was that girl.) I am also the girl who loves fizzy drinks to cool off. Some days that means a cold beer, other days that means seltzer water, but some days it means Onli. Sweet Lemon did an Onli giveaway earlier this summer and after spreading the Onli love to my family and friends one beach day, we’re all on the bandwagon. Especially for summer, these drinks are great on their own or as a mixer. I particularly like rum and watermelon, but feel free to get creative and let me know what you come up with.

Havianas are, of course, a staple, as are the classic pair of Ray Bans. And I love bringing an extra dress – like the one from Caylpso St. Barth, above – with me in case we want to go out after the beach and my worn-in, but probably sand-filled, chambray over-sized shirt isn’t really fit for non-beach settings.

Don’t forget a good book (Kindle?) and sunscreen!

What are your beach essentials heading into LDW? Let me know in comments — you’ll be doing me a favor while I pack.


beach bagLabor Day WeekendLDW
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