Think You Have What it Takes to Become a Journalist? Watch Sharyn Alfonsi’s Ole Miss Commencement Speech

This weekend, before an auditorium of Ole Miss Journalism and Integrated Marketing graduates, gave this scrappy, sassy and ultimately inspiring commencement speech. According to an article on MediaBistro’s TV Newser blog, this is the speech journalists are passing around in 2013.


Her witty words of wisdom touch on the importance of not taking no for an answer, being nice to everyone (but not ‘stupid’ nice, in Alfonsi’s words), and the concept of ‘running your race’. She assures ambitious grads that “the people who may hire you respect grit. They respect tenacity, and in my experience, I have found they are generally unlikely to issue a restraining order.”


A particularly relevant watch for recent grads and budding journalists, Alfonsi’s speech is equally relevant for so many young people starting out in their careers. See the whole video below:


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