New Year New You

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The holidays can be a whirlwind of shopping, wrapping gifts, traveling, and entertaining. But with 2013 right around the corner, it’s important to stop and reflect on 2012 and to celebrate your accomplishments. It’s also a time to reflect on things you could do better and what your dreams are for the future. Maybe you want to take on a new hobby, change your hair, or build your career. Here are five ways you can change up your image and your life in the New Year!

Get a New Wardrobe 
Fingers crossed you received gift cards galore instead of a heinous sweater like you did last year. If you do get gift cards, put that plastic to use and refresh your wardrobe. Take advantage of post-Christmas sales and pick up some new looks for your closet.

Get New Makeup
You can also use your gift cards and find some beauty bargains as well. Take this time to pick up some new makeup to freshen up that face. Tinted moisturizers give you a gorgeous glow this time of year.

Get Color
Have you always wanted to change up the color of your locks but are too afraid to go all the way? Opt for subtle highlights that are just a few shades lighter than your natural color. If you’re a brunette, try an ashy caramel. If you’re a blonde, try some cool, bright blonde shades or even some richer lowlights.

Worried about maintenance? Avoid having highlights done on the top layer of hair. Place your thumbs on the corner of your eyes and lift just that much hair on top of your head. Tell your hairstylist you don’t want them to touch that section. That way, you don’t have to worry when the highlights start to grow out but they will still look natural and shine through brilliantly.

Get Successful
We’re young, smart, and determined. Take control of your career and get networking. Attend events and ask people who work in areas you’re interested in to grab lunch or coffee. You never know whom you’ll meet or what opportunities may arise. And please, get on LinkedIn already!

Get Healthy
Every year we say we’re going to lose weight and exercise more. We take on a new regimen for a few weeks and then all of our resolutions slip right out the window. Well, it’s never too late to start again. But this time, take baby steps. If you don’t go to the gym at all, try going two or three times a week. Having trouble staying motivated? Take a class! I happen to love Pure Barre and going with my best friend helps to keep me accountable.

Nothing worth having ever came easy and you need to put in hard work to get where you want to go. Whatever your goals are for 2013, you can achieve them. It all starts with one step forward. So drink some champagne, dance on the table and have a Happy New Year!


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