Yes, I realize its only October, and next summer is far from your mind as you indulge in fall festivities. But remember, the early bird gets the worm, or in this case the internship. It’s never too early to start thinking about your summer plans, whether it’s choosing a city, a company, or even just an industry to work in. Plus, applying early and beating the January rush of resumes enables you to stand out as eager, organized, and determined. Through my fair share of nerves, errors, and interviews, I’m here to share the best ways to score your dream internship:
- Edit your resume for the industry in which you are apply. Your resume should be edited for each type of industry or company you are applying to. There is no reason you should be sending the exact same resume to an accounting firm and PR company. You should tailor your job description, activities, and skills to best fit that particular company you are applying to. Simply rewording your past experiences or highlighting one part of a past job over another can really help you stand out and seem a lot more qualified.
- Send out a lot of resumes. The number I’m often told from my university’s career office is to send out a minimum of 20-25 resumes during your winter break to make sure you maximize the chances of scoring an interview and hopefully an internship. The job market isn’t the nicest of places, so keep yourself safe and try to send out 30 resumes. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
- Prepare for your interview. Research the position and the company. Know why you are the perfect fit for the job, and review what past jobs and experiences you have had that have prepared you for the position. Know why you are better than all the other candidates, and be prepared to tell them.
- Don’t concentrate on your nerves. Before an interview, I have the tendency to constantly think about how nervous I am which is probably the worst idea ever. It just makes me more conscious of my sweaty palms and tapping feet and then I feel far less confident. So I recommend, watching your favorite TV show before you leave or read a relaxing magazine. You’ll go in calm, cool, and collected and ready to take on all their questions.
- Don’t let a loss ruin your confidence. During my first ever interview, I was so nervous and felt so inexperienced, I didn’t perform my best, and I definitely didn’t get the internship. When I found out I didn’t get the position, I kept thinking something was wrong with me. But finally I realized I just wasn’t right for that one internship. So don’t let a rejection ruin your confidence. There is a better position out there for you.
So as you begin the process of resume editing and business suit grooming, remember these few pointers and soon enough you’ll be taking what is yours- your perfect internship for your perfect future of success and happiness.